Monday, July 2, 2012

Αυστραλία-Όμορφη ξανθιά....λήστεψε με μαχαίρι βενζινάδικο! [Βίντεο]

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A woman who held up a Gold Coast service station with a knife this morning made a number of
big errors along the way that will help police identify her....

Not only did she forget to hide her face, she also wore a revealing top and a glove to conceal her fingerprints on the wrong hand.

She entered the Arundel store on Brisbane Road about 12.30am and demanded cash from the attendant.

"There were a number of serious threats to harm the attendant and she fled with a small amount of money," a police spokesman told Nine News.

She was wearing a glove on her knife-wielding hand in an attempt to hide her finger prints.

The store employee fought back by hurling things at the woman as she fled outside, where police say a man was waiting for her in a 4WD.

Investigations are continuing.


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